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Ciao, I'm Clemente Pellegrini

Good wines tell stories, great wines tell legends

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My Story

Name: Clement. Surname? Too many, just call me Clement!


Born in Florence, my family has deep roots in this historic city. Fueled by curiosity, I delved into ancient Greek and philosophy until the age of 18, after which I transitioned to Physics at university. However, the confined space of a laboratory didn't align with my soul, prompting the need for a different path.


Wine? Fascinating!

Driven by curiosity once again, I embarked on a second university journey in oenology to get closer to the world of wine. This scientific approach proved beneficial as I transitioned into becoming a winemaker.


Presently, I serve as the administrator of a cooperative in the Chianti Classico area. During the summer, I wear the hat of a wine tour guide for Grape Tours, aiming to provide my groups with an authentic, professional, and enjoyable – hopefully unforgettable – experience.


Let's unravel together the secrets of the emotions concealed within a fantastic bottle of wine!

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